Farm Aid’s Vision for Fixing the Farm and Food SystemOn behalf of Farm Aid, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews laid out a vision of agriculture that can be achieved…Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
No Farmer Wants to Dump Their Milk or Plow Under Their CropsDevastating photos of dairy farmers dumping milk and produce farmers tilling their plants into the soil have understandably caused outrage…Apr 23, 2020Apr 23, 2020
The Government Shutdown Risks Shutting Down Family FarmsJoe Schroeder, Farm Aid’s Farm Advocate, appeared on PBS Newshour on January 14 to talk about how the government shutdown is affecting…Jan 10, 2019Jan 10, 2019
A Farm Bill 101The first Farm Bill was drafted in 1933, in the wake of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, to address the needs of America’s farmers…May 22, 2018May 22, 2018
Farmers Overwhelmingly Oppose Bayer Monsanto MergerFarm Aid is part a large coalition of 45 farm groups that have come together to oppose the proposed merger of Bayer and Monsanto. If the…Mar 8, 2018Mar 8, 2018
One Year In: The Trump Administration on Trade & The Farm BillOur previous post about President Trump’s impact on farm policy covered some of the policies his administration has enacted that he’s…Feb 15, 2018Feb 15, 2018
One Year In: The Trump Administration on Farm PolicyThe last time a new president entered office, Farm Aid conducted a “State of the Family Farm,” assessing then-President Obama’s policy…Jan 23, 2018Jan 23, 2018
“Give Hope and a Hand to Farmers” by Willie NelsonThis is the season for giving thanks. My heart swells with gratitude for you and the incredible support you’ve given to Farm Aid so that we…Dec 4, 2017Dec 4, 2017
Willie Nelson: On Thanksgiving, Remember Family Farmers…Family farmers are the economic bedrock of rural communities. We should recognize that and help strengthen them.Nov 21, 2017Nov 21, 2017
A Looming Crisis on American FarmsFarmers are enduring a multiyear slump in crop and livestock prices that is pushing many to the financial brink. Since 2013, America’s…Apr 13, 2017Apr 13, 2017